The Angels and their unconditional Love

By: Débora Ramos

Each of us can get help and information from the angels, no matter our religion or educational level. As children, we had an excellent communication with these wonderful beings, but sometimes the same adults around us and our interaction with the world makes us forget this precious connection. We can reopen this communication at any time we want to, only we have to believe that we can do it and letting go our fears.

If you have doubts about whether the information that you are receiving comes from your imagination or from your angels, you can ask them to give you signals (they love to do this!). I remember once I asked them if they can give me a sign so that I felt that they would be with me in a situation I was going through at that time. So that day, I went to the backyard of my house with my dog and suddenly, while I was waiting for him, a little feather of a bird fell right on my feet (I do not know from where). Usually, I do not find feathers like this in my backyard a or falling from nowhere, so I understood that it was my sign from the angels. I smiled and thanked the angels for that message. Then at the end of the afternoon, when I went through the garage of my house to get my car, I found next to the door of my car another feather. I gave thanks again and I felt that they were reinforcing their signal to give me the assurance that everything would be fine and the situation would be resolved.

I received a very important help from the angels in my life when I had surgery for cancer at the age of 17 years old. In the operating table, I had lost too much blood and I needed an urgent transfusion. Because of I am the type O negative, which is not easy to find, the Hospital did not have it available at that moment. My mother was desperate, and with her hands on her head asked God and the angels to help her. Suddenly, a lady stood in from of her and said: “I heard your conversation with your child’s doctor, do not worry I have that blood type, come with me I am going to be her donor”. My mother could not believe it! Where did this nice lady with my blood type come from and she was willing to donate? After the donation, my mother tried to look for the lady to thank her again for her valuable help, but the lady was gone, none of the nurses could tell my mother where she was, the gracious lady who had donated her blood. Only divine intervention could explain such astonishing fact.

Never consider that what you asking to the angels is of little importance. They will help you even with the smallest things as may be a spot in a parking lot full of cars, or their intervention for a person with a problem or a disease, or if you find yourself in an unfamiliar place for you and you feel it unsafe for you or your family, ask the angels their protection that they gladly will give it to you and you will be surprised! They do not discriminate on the type the requests they receive, if you do it with love and faith. Dare to believe, to give to these messengers of God a space in your life, they are around us with the greatest love possible! Coming from God could not be any other way but to give us unconditional love!

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