Communicating with the Angels

The Angels are part of our daily lives, and they are there to assist us, but they only can help us in two cases: if we ask them to help us or in case of emergency. They are among us in order to teach us that God, like all Father is Love and he is always with us to meet each of our requests and challenges

There is no field in which the Angels have no intervention, they can help with our feelings, relationships, health, prosperity and any problems that are affecting us


I invite you to meet your angels and work with them to improve your life. Using a deck of cards, Debora connect with your Guardian Angels and Archangels, to answer the questions you want to ask them, so they heal and harmonize every aspect of your life. If we open our hearts to hear the messages the angels have for us, we could get peace and harmony in every area of ​​our existence


Sessions can be done in person, by phone, video conference or email


The value of the consultations depends on their duration.

25 minutes: $40 USD

45 minutes: $70 USD


When you book an appointment, you have 24 hours to make your payment in order to confirm your reservation. Please note that if payment is not received within this timeframe, your appointment may be cancelled and made available to other clients. Once your payment has been confirmed, your appointment will be officially reserved

To register or receive more information, please contact us via Whatsapp

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